I pretend not to care, but it just won't go away. My dear heart, always ask me to care for it. Even if there's a thousand people in this place, I still feel alone without you. This how you affect me, so badly.
Every girls dream is to have a guy call her at 3am just to say, "Hey babe, I just wanted to tell you I love you.". Feel the warm and love, it makes you sleep better.
每天熬过夜晚, 几乎踏入清晨才入睡.
没人晓, 只有我知道, 这不是我想要.
那么久不见, 你还记得那些温柔吗?
你的心到底还在不在, 我不停寻找.
如果你知道, 会不会更加珍惜?
心痛过, 哭醒过, 都是因为太在乎.
思念的心, 已经无法自拔.
你不会知道, 我的心境.
我们重新相遇的那天, 你还会在乎吗?
想太多, 梗住了呼吸.
不说爱你, 是怕伤害.
请你告诉我, 一切会安好.
如果你知道, 等待你的心还在燃烧.
逃不开等待的纠缠, 只有泪水在灌溉.
不要让它结冰, 只要你将我抱紧.
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